Cambridge Wildlife Crime Group by TRAFFIC and 2creatEffects
The Cambridge Wildlife Crime Group (CWCG) is hosted by TRAFFIC, based at the David Attenborough Building, home of the Cambridge Conservation Initiative, in the University city of Cambridge. The Cambridge Wildlife Crime Group was established with 2createEffects in April 2018, as an informal platform for academics, law enforcement, intelligence and conservationists to present, discuss, debate and raise ideas.
The forum meets every 5-6 weeks. Membership is supervised but open to all with a legitimate cause.
Our inaugural presenter was Ms. Alejandra Cruces Serrano, an analyst working at a major European Bank, who wrote her Masters Thesis on;
The Role of Intelligence in Wildlife Trafficking. See her presentation here. And her thesis.
CWCG events will address the following:
- What impact and opportunities can we expect the EU Action Plan to deliver by 2020?
- Who’s who in the world of international intelligence & law enforcement working on wildlife crime?
- How is a wildlife crime police investigation started, built, run and closed?
- What are the most effective intelligence and investigative strategies against wildlife crime?
- How are other types of organised crime and terrorist groups getting involved?
- What are the benefits and disadvantages of scaling up law enforcement efforts against wildlife crime?
- How can forensic investigations play an important part in wildlife crime investigations?
- What is Intelligence Tradecraft, and how can it be employed by Conservation Agencies?
- Case-studies of intelligence success and failure in the arena of wildlife crime.
- The role of conservation agencies in supporting law enforcement operations
- How to build trust between law enforcement, intelligence and conservation communities
- From intelligence to arrest: Protecting the evidential chain.